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Skin Care Supplements for Oily or Breakout Prone Skin

Today, we all know that our skin is a reflection of what's happening within our bodies. I love skin care and it can doing amazing things! But I am also a believer that diet is key, and supplements can make a big difference when it comes to taking care of acne prone skin. I have compiled a short list of my favorite supplements that have worked for myself, and I have tested with some of my clients.

Skin Accumax

This supplement is amazing! Formulated by Advanced Nutrition in the UK this product is a potent and pure natural solution for problem skin. A patented formula containing vitamins A, C and E with diindolylmethane (DIM) has shown significant changes in as little as a few weeks. Many have seen monthly hormonal breakouts disappear, and severe acne dramatically reduced in an as little as 3 months. You can read more here, watch the testimonials below, and pick up an informational booklet at your next visit. You can purchase this in spa for as little as $40 a month for your best skin yet! Both Skin Accumax and the next product have also been shown to help those that suffer from other skin issues including eczema and psoriasis.

Skin Omegas

We all know omegas are great for our bodies. Did you know they can help our skin too?! Skin Omegas can reduce redness because of their anti-inflammatory properties. All skin types can benefit from it, including dry, flaky, sensitive and acneic skin. Omega-3 also helps to increase hydration and overall smoothness. Easy to digest with no aftertaste and two capsules a day with food is recommended. You can purchase these in spa for as little as $28 a month! Read more here.

What Makes These Different?

Third-party independent testing is done by laboratories that validate the quality of the final products. Did you know that the FDA leaves it up to the manufacturer to make sure that a product is safe and truthful labeling? That's not enough for me! I cannot find this for certain, but I believe only one batch in many millions of tablets is required by the FDA to be tested.

Each batch is test for contaminants, that the ingredients in the product meets label claim and to assure stability of Advanced Nutrition Programme products, i,e., how long they remain active in the final product. They only accept new suppliers that have successfully passed a vetting process where a third-party independent expert tests all the ingredients to assure the levels of active ingredients and against microbiological contamination.

These formulas are absorbed into the body within 2-5 minutes.

Anchovies are used for the fish oil, and smaller fish have less mercury contaminants.

Tested for the presence of gluten and can be declared gluten free. Free from artificial flavorings and colorings. Free from genetically modified materials. Dairy and yeast free.


I discovered the benefits of zinc when I started taking it for a different issue with my body over the summer. I noticed my breakouts reduced as well! This is because zinc reduces the inflammatory response to bacteria. Some people it helps, some it doesn't. Sure doesn't hurt to try! This is the product I take daily.


Probiotics are great for our digestive system and balance the good and bad bacteria in the gut. I beleiver that a lot of acne stems from what is going on in our gut. I'm not a doctor who can recommend, but I personally like to take 30-50 billion per day of probiotics. I take Young Living Life 9, but I have also used PB8 in the past and had good results as well. Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium lactis are two strains that have been shown to be the most effective for acne prone skin.

Kayla Marie

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